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love brings hope

Lena L, director

We received a big response to our last newsletter. Some people were deeply touched, some people were saddened and some were frustrated. But everybody agreed that it is wrong to leave victims of domestic violence and abuse without help, to silence and to deny it only because of the complications and difficulties in addressing this topic. The epidemic of domestic violence in Israel is so overwhelming that President Rivlin has declared it as a "threat to the national security'.

It is true that we have a lot of tension, poverty, immigration and all kind of calamities in our country. Even so, having a healthy family and peace at home can help people to overcome the tribulations of life and give to children hope for the better future. But if your home instead of safe heaven turns to be a dangerous and threatening place, life becomes a living hell.

We would like to share with you some more life stories from our experience. These families were referred to us by social services.

R. is an Israeli Arab Muslim mother of two. She had run away from the north to the shelter in Jerusalem and stayed there for more than one year. Even though her husband is still in prison, even she did not feel safe enough to go even to the funeral of her father because her husband has threatened to kill her. Now she wants her kids to learn Hebrew and be part of Israeli society where she feels much more equality and freedom. Her dream is to help to other women in her situation. We are supporting her to study to be a secretary in the court. She told us, that her heart is broken by fear and silence of women in her community. Actually, she is one out of the few who was brave enough to go to police and make a complaint.

E. is religious Jewish mother of nine. She was badly beaten and abused all her life. She has a lot of physical and mental problems as result of violence. At least once in the month she is collapsing and hospitalized. Her husband has a restraining order, but it does not stop him from breaking into the house, abusing her and the kids, destroying furniture and stealing food and little money they have. According to the Jewish law, women can get divorced only by permission of the husband. But her husband is absolutely not ready to give it to her. One of the legal agencies we are working with is taking her case to the rabbinical court now, to fight for her freedom and dignity. We are asking your prayers for wisdom and protection.

Since our volunteers started to come and help her at home, she

feels more and more strong and secure. She tells us that she

does not feel alone anymore and sometimes it is a crucial thing.

It is the same for us as a team. It gives us strength and inspiration when we feel your encouragement, support and prayers. Thank you, all! Our Machaseh team sends you love

and blessings from Jerusalem.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you" John 15:1


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