For the first time since 1959, Christmas and the 1st night of Chanukah fall on the same day.
This year, Jews all over the world will be lighting the 1st Chanukah candles on December 24th. They will continue to light the chanukiah through New Year’s Eve at which time it will be fully lit.
The Hebrew word chanukah means 'dedication'.
The winter festival commemorates the re-dedication of the Second Temple after the Greeks were defeated by a small Jewish rebellion. Hanukkah is an important reminder "of the victory of faith over the ways of speculative reason, and demonstrates the power of the miracle in the face of mere humanism."
The chanukiah has nine candles, one for each night of chanukah and the shamash or 'servant' candle which is used to light the other eight.
When the temple was to be re-dedicated, oil was needed for the menorah but there was only enough for one day. Tradition has it that miraculously, the small amount of oil burned for eight days, the time it took to prepare a fresh supply of oil.
For Messianic believers and Christians, Chanukah is a prophetic feast fulfilled at the time of the Christ's arrival on earth. "As Mashiach ben Yosef, our Suffering Servant, Yeshua is our ultimate Shamash- He is our Light who enables us to shine a sacred fire of sacrificial love to the darkened outside world.
Yeshua commanded "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (New Covenant, Matthew 5:16. He told us "I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. (New Covenant, John 8:12).
This is a wonderful time of year! Jews, Messianic believers and Christians join together in worship to the Almighty for His great faithfulness. It is a season where we are inspired to open up to His love and light so that we may be His love and light in this dark world.
We at Macheseh want to thank you for partnering with us as we serve those in need. We join together in a loud 'online voice' to wish you a Merry Christmukkah and Happy Jew Year’s Eve-ukkah. May God wrap you in His love and peace during this season of light and hope. May He lead you in the path He has for you this coming year.

*Machaseh monthly news will resume in Februrary 2017